
Friday, July 16, 2010

"A Host of Rebel Angels"

I've gotten around, finally, to getting my story up and running! So, I actually have a few stories that I'm writing right now. The first one is a Mortal Instruments fanfic that will be published on July 18, 2010. It's called "A Host of Rebel Angels" which is actually the title of a chapter from City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare.

I won't be giving away summaries until the first chapter (which is actually the prologue) is published onto So, all I can say right now is that this story is a very fluffy story...after a while. When I mean "fluffy," I don't mean that there's going to be any kind of citrus fruit (lemons, limes...) included in any of my stories, which means: no love scenes. The story's actually pretty original, I mean, I've never read anything like it, and I've wanted to write it for a long time now. The story is AH/AU OOC, Canon pairings which is translated to: All Human, Another Universe, Out of Character (which basically means I've taken them and created them to be my own), and Canon pairings just means that it will have the same couples as the books. By "Another Universe" I mean, there's no such things as witches and warlocks, Shadowhunters and demons, angels being seen and chained, no werewolves and vampires, no faeries...everything is human. No magic or anything and, for those of you who've read the books, no place in the world called "Idris." Basically, it is our world, where humans are humans and nobody goes around and kills people, calling them demons that aren't insane.

I'm proud to say that I know exactly where this story is going! For some, the first scene you have with Jace, who is called "Jonathan" (don't worry, the name "Jace" will soon be used!) may get the impression that we've already seen this Jace. This side of Jace. There's a background story that will eventually come out, and the prologue is kind of rushed a tiny bit (it has not been edited by anyone except for me!), but it is only the prologue and the detailed background information will later come out. We first learn that Jace has been through what he's going through for seven years, and he actually runs away from home.

There are three scenes to the prologue, which took up 10 pages on Word (it's only a prologue - they're meant to be short and sweet. The chapters will be much longer). In the three scenes, we meet Jace (Jonathan Herondale) and his best friend, Sebastian Verlac. The two attend a private school, and are walking home discussing girls, Sebastian's mother and father and their divorce, colours, spelling, books, test scores, phone numbers, and Moses and the Red Sea. In scene two, we learn a little bit more of Jace's home life, and that his father, Stephen Herondale, has just returned home early from Dubai and is still distraught over his mother's death, seven years prior. We also learn that Celine Herondale is very motherly, though ditzy! In scene three, Jace runs away.

The Clary in this story is going to be very different from any Clary I've read--from the original girl first created by Cassandra Clare to the Clarys I've met in any other Fanfiction story. And I'm pretty proud about that one, for sure, because she's a really original character in this story, and very...well, different. You don't meet her in the prologue, and I'm not even sure when she'll first appear. She may not even appear until chapter 5--who knows? I know actually know right now! But I know how they'll meet and all that jazz, so that's cool, even though that scene/chapter isn't even written yet!

Other characters, like Isabelle, Alec, Simon, Maia, Luke, Jocelyn, Valentine, Magnus, Maryse, Robert, Raphael, Lily, and even Camille appear in this story. The relations of the characters are a little switched around, and the backgrounds are changed: for example, Jocelyn and Valentine were married and had Clary (and only Clary), but the two got divorced because they were married so young and the relationship crumbled apart (NO ABUSE) and Jocelyn eventually married Luke. Valentine is close with Clary, I can tell you that. Protective, loving, warm, and close to his only daughter for reasons I can't give away yet! Camille is actually going to be Jace's aunt, Aunt Camille, though she's only mentioned, not met. Lily is also a very small you'll get a glimpse of her (and she may possibly be hitting on Jace, teehee!). Kaelie the waitress is also seen and mentioned, and I'm not sure if they'll flirt or not. I just know they won't be making out like they did in City of Bones. Maia is in an on and off relationship with Raphael, and I don't know if they'll remain together for the whole fic. Alec and Magnus are together. Maryse and Robert are married, of course. Isabelle and Simon are together.

I only have two OCs which are Original Characters: Clary's dog, Mitzy, who is a Golden Retriever; and a girl named (for now) Michelle, who may or may not be Valentine's love interest...

For now, I have several fics set up, though unwritten: an AH/AU story for Mortal Instruments "A Host of Rebel Angels," and another AU fic for Mortal Instruments; I also have a series for Twilight that is AH/AU (All Human, No Vampires or Werewolves) fic that is mostly a fluff/humor story that is canon pairings, again. I'm looking forward to the AU fic for Mortal Instruments that will be published after "A Host of Rebel Angels."

Playlists coming soon...

NOTE: All my fics, I'm planning, will be long. Around 30 to (possibly) 40 chapters, even...except for oneshots (no ideas) and short and sweet fics.

NOTE: The Twilight fics will be a series, all very long and there will be 8 instalments.

Come and see on July 18th!

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